Stories that make you think
Good stories make you think. Good stories are about things that matter.
"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place."
Here are some! Very short ones. I hope you enjoy them. And... don't hesitate to let me know what you think!
The house that collapsed
Three men decided to build a house. The very first morning they wanted to start they realized that every one of them brought their own folding rule. The problem was that these rules were all different. But they decided to start building anyway. As you can guess, the result was not a house you could live in, but a chaotic kind of structure. It collapsed immediately.
Today many in our culture say: "Everybody has his own truth", meaning we all bring our own folding rule. No need to say why our society is a big mess today. For if we all do what is good in our own eyes, nobody can tell right from wrong anymore. For who is right then?
No wonder everything is falling apart.
A QUESTION TO THINK ABOUT: Could it be that we don't know the real standard anymore? Or that we don't want to know it ?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
The professor who fainted..
A professor was teaching physics at the university. "We are just dust and our thoughts are just random chemical reactions in our heads", he said. The next moment he fainted. For what happened? The little bottle of coke that stood on his desk, suddenly start moving and speaking. It says: "Are you sure about that?"
When the professor became conscious again, he looked at the bottle of coke and said: "How come you can talk?" The bottle looked at him and said: "How come you can if your thoughts are no more than random chemical reactions? For in that case you are no more than me."
Crazy story. I know. But do you still believe we are just dust and our thoughts are just random chemical reactions?
If you believe that, ask yourself why it is that you can read this story.
A QUESTION TO THINK ABOUT: Could it be that we are something completely different than just dust and a few chemical reactions?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
The Box
Four guys were sitting a box. No windows, no doors. Darkness.
Their interesting conversations were about what could be outside the box.
Four different and very intellectual opinions. But… nobody knew. Simply because there was no way to know.
Suddenly one of the flaps of the box opened and light streamed in.
It took a few moments for them to get used to the light.
For the first time they saw what was outside the box and… understood the meaning of what was inside the box.
Their opinions were forgotten immediately.
Do you think man is able to know by himself what is the meaning of all things?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
NEW: Listen here to "Life is not a game"
Two fish were swimming in the middle of the ocean. One said to his friend: "Don't you think we have a wonderful ocean to swim in?"
To his surprise his friend replied: "Ocean? I don't believe in oceans!"
"What do you mean, you don't believe in oceans? You swim in it, it gives you food, it gives you oxygen, you feel the currents, you smell the salt, you see the twinkling of the sunlight through the waves! Everything you are and do is because of the ocean!"
Then they continued their journey through the ocean.
There are people today who deny that all they are and all they do is because they are created creatures. But... the funny thing is that all they do and are, they only can do and be because they are creatures. Nobody behaves as if he is the product of some mystical and impossible Big Bang in the past. If we were, we could not think, walk, swim, eat, breath, smell and love.
A QUESTION TO THINK ABOUT: How come that every person on earth behaves like a creature made by God, while they say they don't believe that?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
Imagine that you got lost on the way out from a forest and your only hope of getting out alive is to follow directions from a magnetic compass. But instead of the compass pointing to the magnetic north, the compass always points to you. How helpful would that compass be? Not at all! It would be a useless thing.
Why then do so many of us live as if life's compass points to us? Do we get to decide what life's purpose is and how to live it? Or, is there an objective purpose to life and a right way to live it out?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
"What is it you want for your birthday?" a father asked his 5 years old son. "I want a trampoline, dad!" was his answer. "For then I can jump higher and higher and higher and higher and.." "Why so high?" his dad asked a bit worried. His son replied: "Then I can look if God is there or not!"
Innocent logic of a child? Sure.
But there are many adults today who act as if they have had a look into heaven and can say now for sure that God is not there. And that belief is not so innocent.
Can we exclude the possibility that God has made Himself known to us from heaven?
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the why of all these stories
Panic in the plane. Engines failed, nose down, heading for the crash
One passenger stayed very calm, although he had no parachute. He moved towards the door of the plane...
Everybody around him had a parachute. He didn't. But he was a man who always had believed in himself. He decided to do that again. He was strong, self confident and uptil now he had solved all of his problems by himself.
When his turn came to jump, he jumped and thought: "If the birds can fly, I am sure I can!" So he started moving his arms up and down very quickly. Only to discover that the birds could do one thing more than he.
Think about this: What do you trust in when your last hour comes? Yourself? Your knowledge? Your money? Your status? Or are you absolutely sure that after death there is nothing anyway? (If so, how do you know that?) Pretty important, right? Something to think about now, for nobody can permit himself to be mistaken about this!
What would you say? 1, 2 or 3?
I am worried about my future
I think we cannot know what comes
I don't care
The fine that could not be paid
There was a man who one day found a fine from the police in his mailbox. When he opened it, he was perplexed, for the amount he had to pay was so high that he could never pay it in all of his life.
The letter said that he was flashed by the police every single day. And several times every day. And that since the moment he received his driving licence for the first time, 26 years ago.
Those of us who have their driving licence all have the unpleasant experience of finding a fine their mailbox. Most of the time because of speed or parking in a wrong place. Bad feelings. But no way out... you had to pay. And the good news is that you can pay, maybe with a little help from some friends if you don't have the money at that moment.
But...just imagine that somebody had flashed you every single day of your life. Every thought, every word and every deed, and that since the day you were born. And that this flashing goes on until the last day of your life. Who could pay that fine?
Crazy story? Sure. That will never happen. But.... God has told us that He will hold us responsible for every bad thought, every bad word and every bad deed. And that for our entire life.
How will you pay that fine?
If you have an idea, you can find the solution here
Do you know the story of the man who was going to a party, but was not allowed in? If you want to know why, just ask me.
"Sorry, but I cannot let you come in!" the guard said, at the entrance of that hall where a big party was going on. "Your outfit is not in accordance with the rules". "What?", the man said, greatly amazed, "I bought it recently and paid a lot of money for it!!' "That might be true", the guard replied, "but your white suite is not white enough". "But I had it cleaned already several times!" was the answer, "Why do you say it not white enough?"
The guard said: "There is a man in town who has the right clothes for you. Just go to him and tell him you want to go to the party. He will give you perfect white clothes, even free of charge. I can only let you in when you wear his clothes."
The man said: "Where can I find that man?" to which the guard replied: "If you really look for him, you will find him."
Many people today want to be accepted at Gods big party. I hope you do. But they come often in the wrong clothes. Their clothes are not clean enough. They are dirty because of all the wrong things they did in their lives. They tried to clean them so as to look perfect but God will not allow them in.
However, the good news is that He did send Somebody to the world, 2000 years ago. His only Son, Jesus. His clothes were perfectly white, for He never sinned. What you need to do is go and find Him today. And when you find Him, give Him your dirty clothes. Then, in exchange, immediately He will give you His perfectly white clothes. Then you can come back to the door and you will find it wide open! Welcome to the party!
This story is a true story.. 20 years ago I had a friend who was only 19 years old when he got cancer. The next 6 years he was sick and in pain. He died 10 days before he would turn 26. The last time I met him, just before he died, he said two things to me. One was: "Too early". But the second thing he said I will never forget.
He said: "I am 100% sure that I will be in heaven". Isn't that an amazing thing to say for a 25 year old guy who was about to die?
It was something very precious and it still makes me very happy. Let me explain the reason why he was so sure and confident.
"I am 100% sure I will be in heaven right after I will have died. I am not a bad guy of course, but I realized that in Gods eyes I am sinful, like everybody else. And I learned two very important things during my life.
The first one is that I could never save myself from the punishment I deserve for my wrong thoughts, wrong deeds and words. Not by trying to be a better person. Not by following any religious rules or traditions. Not by going to church, a mosque, temple or by being baptized. Nothing of that can help me when I stand before God.
But... I am so happy that I learned a second thing. I learned that, although God had to judge me for my sins, that that same God made a wonderful way to save me from that Judgement. I learned that Jesus, the Son of God, paid for all of my sins. Not with money of course, but with his very own life. He died voluntarily for me on that Cross. He got what He didn't deserve, so that He could give me what I could never deserve: forgiveness and eternal life.
That is the reason why, although in our eyes it is too early, I can die now in peace and look forward with absolute certainty to meet my Jesus in heaven and be with Him forever."
Here is a very important question to think about today:
- If you would have only a week to live, where would you go?
You can ask me any question about this so important subject and I will try to help you.
The judge and his criminal friend
Chickens in your car (a great story that tells you why we live)
There was a man who had a rich friend. One day this friend gave him a present of a brand new car. However, instead of driving it, he put this precious gift in his garden and turned it into a chicken run. It didn't take long before the car was ruined. The engine didn't start and the parts were all rusting away. In about two years time the only thing the man could do with the car, was dump it in the junk yard.
Of course, he felt terribly ashamed about what he had done with this expensive gift. He did everything he could to avoid meeting his rich friend again.
God gave us a life. Why? To live life with Him and for Him. Sadly, we decided use this gift of life to live for ourselves and not for Him. It went well for a while, but soon it will start to fall apart. In the end it will be wasted, ruined and ready to be dumped. The man who abused the car could avoid his friend but nobody will be able to avoid God. We all have to face Him one day. What will you say to Him then?
The man who ruined the car with his chickens, had no excuse for doing so. When we ignore God and live for ourselves, we have no excuse either. We are simply guilty. One day we will have to pay for it. But.. paying God back is not possible. The debt is too high. It is far beyond our ability to pay.
Is there no solution? Of course there is!
2000 years ago Jesus, Gods Son, paid for all your sins in full. Not with money or a Visacard, but with His very life. He suffered for what He didn't deserve, to give us what we don't deserve: forgiveness and new life!
Only those who admit their guilt, believe that Jesus has paid their debt in full and overcame death to credit them with his goodness, will know God, be saved from a debtors prison that is too hot for too long and enter heaven forever.
What is your debt plan with God?
"SWIMMING FORBIDDEN" read a large sign at the lake. It was a hot day and the hiker could not resist the temptation to go for a dip. Suddenly he was stung by a fish and immediately regretted going for a dip. It was a fish with venomous spines. His foot swelled up and he began having hallucinations. While he lived a long time, it was never without the consequences of that sting.
God has warned us, with big signs, not to do what He has forbidden because He knew what the consequences would be. Of course… we couldn't resist the temptation. Our world is full of people who suffer the consequences every day. Some have started hallucinating and believing strange things. Others see their lives falling apart. Others suffer from feelings of meaninglessness and really don't know why they are actually alive. Still others are rich and happy and believe the delusion that things are not too bad.
But the poison continues, fast or slow and this poison always leads to death.
There is only one medication. 2000 years ago, Jesus, (God's Son) paid the enormous penalty for our disobedience and guilt because he loves you so much. Three days later He rose from the dead. The ultimate cure!
He wants you to humble yourself, admitting your sin and believing that He has paid your debt. The moment you look up to Him like this, the deadly effect of the poison ceases, the delusions disappear and you can think clearly. Death has no more power over you. He has then given you eternal life.
This is how the Bible says it:
"Look to Me, and be saved, All you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other."
Ninety years from now...
Two old friends were sitting in the park. Chatting about their past and sometimes also about their future. They had not many years to live, so what possibly could come was something that kept them thinking. Was there nothing after death... or is there an afterlife. They realized that the answer to that question could never be found by themselves. For if there is no information from the other side.... we are doomed to stay in great ignorance. But if there is... they could know! Find the answer here.
The Titanic
Two men fell off the Titanic into the cold ocean a hundred years ago, after the ship hit the iceberg. There was a rescue boat very close. One man was saved. The other drowned.
The first man was so happy to see that rescue boat. He put out his hand and the man in the boat grabbed his hand and pulled him into the boat. The other man saw the boat and the hand that was reached out to him. But he was so convinced that he was a very good swimmer and that he could reach the shore by himself. So, he refused the hand that wanted to save him. He drowned.
Do you know that every one of us is like those two men? We all fell of the Titanic in our lives. For we all sinned against the holy God. We hit the iceberg of His Law. And therefore we are on our way to the bottom of the sea. What we need is a rescue boat. The name of that boat is Jesus. The big question is: are you in that boat or still in the dark ocean?
"I hate to be here", the first man said.
"I understand", his other one replied. "During our lives on earth we were friends. Here we are just enemies. But how did you end up here?"
"Dont tell me you are really interested in that!", his former friend said full of anger.
"True, I am not. But I want to hear it just for my personal interest. I want to know why I am here".
"Ok. I am here because I couldn't believe the guy who warned me for God. I considered myself to be a good person. God was for the weak. But I was strong"
"That is really stupid of you", his enemy answered. "For you knew, like everybody else that God existed. But I was stupid for another reason. I went to church, was baptized, tried to do many good things. People always looked up to me as the good guy. So... I thought that God would be happy with me the way I was and that He would just forget the bad things I did. How stupid of me that I believe that!"
This conversation happened around 1250 years ago. Today these guys are still there and still angry.
These stories show us that, like it or not, we all rely on and assume the presuppositions of the Christian World-view. The Christian World-view can simply be stated like this:
There is an Infinite Personal Creator God, the Almighty, All knowing God, who revealed Himself in Creation and in the Bible. He is the only possible and ultimate Source of Authority and knowledge. There is no greater absolute than Him.
Most people in our modern culture consider "Man" to be the ultimate source of authority. "Man is the measure of all things." However, man is too limited to be a sufficient source and… in reality and in the daily practice of life, nobody consistently starts from man as the absolute by which to measure everything. While many will say and think that they do see man as the ultimate absolute, the inconsistency becomes quickly evident.
If we are not created by God, but are mere chance products of stardust, from a big explosion billions of years ago, the reality we live with cannot be accounted for. The essentials of life, like absolute Truth, absolute morality, rationality, the ability to know that we know anything, the existence of logic, the existence of reason, the existence of man, the value of man and Creation, the uniformity of nature (the belief that things will be in the future as they were in the past), cannot be accounted for by mere random chance. Without these observed realities, science itself would have no basis for its existence. The only sufficient basis for the reality we observe is the existence of the Infinite Personal Creator who has spoken.
Other great links
The Creed of modern man:
Proof that God exists:
Great questions to think about: